Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Thing About Dreams

Anyone who knows me well will roll their eyes when they read the title of this post. I'll admit- I'm one of those dream people. I wake up every day with a new tale of what I witnessed or experienced overnight. And I'm compelled to look it up in my books and talk about it. I keep a dream book on the bathroom counter so I can read while I brush my teeth each morning. Some people find it entertaining - others annoying (i.e. DH). It's not like I can just say that I dreamed I was cooking. I have to remember the details - all of them - and how all the senses were affected.

I was standing at a counter of a magnificent yellow kitchen with huge sunny window. I was rolling a pie crust with a cold, antique marble roller on a tan-striped Formica counter top. Some female French jazz musician (kind of like Madelienne Peyroux, but not her) was singing in the background and cinnamon and butter perfumed the air. I was wearing a teal T-shirt dress with beads around the neckline and some really comfortable black ballet slippers, my hair up in chopsticks. I could hear young laughter in a nearby room, but don't know whose it was.

You get the idea. It's been this way my whole life. I think it comes from my dad a bit - he's one for vivid dreams, as well. Last night, DH's sister from Idaho called to let us know she'd had a dream that we had a baby boy, that he was early, but considered full-term (as in, good sized). And something about the numbers 7 and 14. She wasn't sure if he was 7 pounds, 14 ounces, born 7-14 days early, or born between the 7th and the 14th, but she thought she'd better forewarn us that her premonitions are often indicative of reality.

I had to laugh - and then wonder if it's fluke or if it's a Leo thing. I do know of a couple other Leo friends who are like this with dreams. What do you think? Connection to astrology or just searching for some sort of explanation?


Anonymous said...

I know its a Leo thing. I wish my leoness was working stronger right now. I used to learn such important information from my dreams. So I would like some more info on your current stats with the baby. What is the due date? When was he conceived aprox?

Hope all is well with you!

Love Jess

Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

Baby boy is due in three weeks! February 21, and should weigh about 6 1/2 pounds about now. He was conceived the fateful night when we said, "When do you think we could handle a bigger family?" We've learned our lesson after both immediate pregnancies. Next time around - no talking about it until we know for sure that we're ready for another. IF that day ever comes...

Anonymous said...

I look forward to finding out the facts of the 7 14. You sound like thinks are going so very well for you and so happy!!! I think of you often. Sean's sister is here from Georgia this week. It has been fun getting to know her. This only the 4th time I've seen her. She is really enjoying her time with the kids. Her son is 19.

Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

How big am a schmuck am I? I thought Sean only had his brother in AZ. I can't believe he has a sister, too! I'm glad you're enjoying your visit. Poor girl is probably a popsicle, though.