Thursday, February 28, 2008

Peace and Quiet

I tearfully bid adieu to my amazing mother yesterday, and then packed up the girls to bring them to my in-laws' for a few days. And then I cried some more. I was relieved beyond belief when I returned home and saw DH's truck in the driveway.

He was already in bed and it was only 6:00. I quickly ate a sandwich, prepared for bed, fed Grant, and climbed in next to my hubby. The previous night had been long; Grant wanted to be awake and cuddling from about 2 until 5. And DH hadn't taken any Bayer PM, so he figures he got about 1 hour of sleep total, between stressful thoughts and an alert baby.

Yesterday, our efforts to keep Grant awake during the day paid off. He was awake for about an hour sometime in the middle of the night, but it was only an hour. He had nice 3-hour sleeps beyond that.

Life is now so quiet. Little Grant is such a peaceful person, and now officially one week old.


Mrs Rad Wag said...

I can't wait to meet this little guy. He's so adorable! And many blessings to you for being a mommy of three children under the age of 2! That's amazing! We're headed out of town tomorrow morning, so will give you a next week. Take care!

Katie said...

Ahhh I forget those early bed times and long nights, but will soon be reminded when our little bundle arrives. Aren't grandparents the best!! They really know how to save the day ;-) Good to hear you're all settling in your new role as a family of 5.