Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Has Spring Finally Sprung?

It's another beautiful spring day - the rain has finally stopped - and the birds are chirping like crazy outside. I figured I'd better take a quick moment to write before my day gets going into its usual chaotic form.

I'll be heading up to the hospital to nurse at 11:30 and then the cycle begins. I really enjoy spending the time with my girls, bonding, warming, getting to know them. I just wish the hospital was a little closer. I feel like I'm either up there or in the car going back and forth.

Everyone is still doing well. Breanna is going to try out a big-girl crib again today and we'll see how she does with maintaining her body temp. We're crossing our fingers. That will be a significant step to getting her home. Lillian is eating more and more and is bound to start keeping some of that weight on soon. I'm tuckered out just a little, but doing really well. And DW, well, he's silly as ever. We had a very fun visit to the NICU last night. As my figure is quickly coming back, he's like a schoolboy with a new crush. And it feels great to be looking like a girl again, and getting the attention of being a girl.

We're heading to DW's hometown tonight for an open house for his dad, who's retiring after 30 years of teaching. I look forward to getting out for a little socialization. As much as I truly enjoy the company of the NICU nurses, I do miss being around real people outside of the hospital setting. Unfortunately, since my schedule is so broken up for feedings, I can't really schedule more than an hour here or there. Oh well, someday...

Here's a cute picture of my mom holding Lillian, all wrapped in the quilt Mom made for her. It's from this weekend. Kind of puts Lill's teeniness into perspective, doesn't it?

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