Friday, May 19, 2006

Breanna's Big News

Great news from our NICU doctors: Breanna is going to try to go to the big-girl crib again today. If she can maintain her body temp and continue to gain weight, they'll be able to send her home with us next week sometime. Wahoo! We're aiming for weight gain of at least an ounce a day for each of the girls.

Lillian is also doing great, but she's still small. They don't want to send her home until she's close to 4 lbs., which should be about two more weeks or so. She's now 3 lb., 3 oz. and looking cute as ever.

I'm especially excited to see how things go in these next couple of days.

Tonight is the "members only" shopping night for our local Mothers of Multiples annual garage sale. For the first time in my life, I'm anxious to go to a garage sale. Must mean I've officially become a mom.