Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pain, Pain, Go Away

What an adventure! Once I finished my steroids for the Bell's Palsy, you'd never imagine how much pain I was in. Monday and Tuesday night, I barely got any sleep - and what little I did get was on our upstairs couch. It felt like I'd been struck in the face with a softball - it hurt to wash my face with a soft washcloth. It hurt to run a wide-toothed comb through my hair. Heck, even just the weight of my hair was causing me pain. I seriously considered chopping it off two different times yesterday morning, and finally I decided to call my doctor.

She prescribed a baby-safe narcotic that has provided such relief! I still have a lot of pain, but at least I can function a little better now. And sleep, glorious sleep! I slept for two 3-hour periods last night - what relief! I'm noticing that I'm getting a little better - I can now spit out my toothpaste and not get it on my chin. I'm still not graceful or lovely by any means, but I think there's a little glimmer of progress.

I would never wish Bell's Palsy on anyone - ever.

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