Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vocab Explosion

Over the past blur of a month, our girls have had a wonderful vocabulary explosion. From the silly (what does the baby say - goo goo gaa gaa) to the serious (more milk, please) to the dumb (e.g. boob - thanks, Auntie Lissy, for that one), we now live with a couple of adorable chatterboxes. I think my favorites are the longer words, like bumblebee or okey dokey or snickerdoodle.

This past weekend was super relaxed at my folks' house in the woods. Lillian calls all living animals puppies, so she exclaimed "Puppy, puppy" at least a million times as she watched the squirrels and birds come and go.

My poor mom was stricken with a killer sinus infection on Thursday, so she was down and out most of the weekend. She may have even napped more than the girls.

That left my Dad and me with the task of rounding up a non-meat supper on Friday, which was certainly Mom's worst day. We piled the kids into the van and headed down the hill to Matty's restaurant, home of the world's greatest sunfish sandwiches and sweet potato fries. Wide-eyed, Dad asked how we'd get everyone inside. I pointed out that the girls can walk. Then he looked at the snowy steps. I encouraged him to hold a hand of each girl and they'd be fine.

Sure enough, they got one step inside and were awed at all the people, the loud jazz, and the "aw, look, they must be twins" comments from everyone. Our waitress scooped up one of the girls and my dad took the other, then they found us some seats. Sure enough, the moment our food arrived, Grant woke up - starving. So, I had the joy of trying to discreetly feed him in public, while encouraging the girls to stay in their high chairs. I wasn't much help with the girls. I think my dad had forgotten what it's like to take kids out to eat - his food was cold by the time the girls's grilled cheese was cut up and bibs tied, etc. It was great food, though, whether hot or cold.

The other bit of excitement came with a visit from a dear friend. She came out to my folks' house on Saturday afternoon for a few hours and shared the wonderful news of her pregnancy. Babies everywhere! That makes my sister due in July, KariAnn due in September, and this new baby on Halloween. Hooray! She's going to tell her family at Easter, so I won't give away any hints at who my lake country friend is.

Tonight is the second Tuesday of the month, which means local Mothers of Multiples gather. People rarely bring twins to the meeting because of the sheer chaos that would likely bring - but an occasional singleton newborn joins if he's quiet and nursing, so I look forward to bringing Grant and showing him off.

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