Thursday, October 18, 2007

Baby Update - We're having a ...

We're having a modest baby. DH and I went in for an ultrasound yesterday and our sweet baby was being shy when it was time to speculate on gender. I wonder where s/he gets that from...

Beyond that, the baby looks good. Everything is where it's supposed to be and appears to be functioning perfectly. I can't believe how much bigger everything seems with just one, as well.

The U/S tech said it looks like our due date is about 1.5 weeks off - just as I'd suspected from the get go. That would put the revised due date at somewhere around the 22nd of February. But, we'll wait for confirmation from our doctor before planning a different delivery month. As we all know too well from Breanna and Lillian, ultrasounds can be waaaaaay off many times in a row.

It was so quick to breeze through vs. a twin ultrasound. We were in and out like a flash. Our appt. with the OB was set up for right afterward, so we walked over just in time to hear the nurses let the ladies in front of us know that our doctor had been called in to deliver a baby.

So, we rescheduled for tomorrow at 11:20. I can hardly wait to get the good report.

As a side note, my ring is finally done from the jeweler. I lost it just a few months after the girls came home from the hospital, but I didn't want to file a claim until we moved. I just hoped and hoped it would turn up. No such luck, so we had it recreated. The engagement band is wider than the original, so I'm going to take it to the jeweler on Monday to get it shaved down a bit. Other than that, I'm delighted to have a pretty ring on my hand again. I can hardly wait to take the girls out this weekend and not have people rudely judge me for having twins and a bun in the oven - with no ring on.

I'll post the update from the doc tomorrow.

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