Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spring Fever

I have great news to share! I'm back to the world of self employment for a while. After 9 long months at a company that didn't fit, I'm free to run again! I'm going to refrain from posting the gory details in writing, as I still remember my mom's famous words - Don't burn your bridges. Who knows whom all my readers are? I will simply say that I feel like a million bucks!

My darling husband is convinced that improving my environment will alleviate enough stress that my Bell's Palsy will start to diminish much more quickly. In fact, I think I can see even more of my teeth on my right side. Yay!

I now finally have time to finish ghost-writing that book I'd been working on and had planned on finishing prior to the birth of my babies. Their early arrival threw that whole schedule out of whack, so now the book writers have reason to celebrate with me.

New season, new opportunities, new reasons to smile! Happy spring!


Anonymous said...

Wow! How great for you. I am so sorry I did not know or read into you that your job was not what you wanted it to be. Enjoy yourself
and take care. Give me a call when you have time.


Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

Don't worry, Jess. I didn't say anything to anyone because I kept reminding myself that in the grand scheme of life, I don't have much to complain about.

There are those who are POWs, those in great medical need, those who have dying families and no control over it... my little complaints just don't stack up to anything worth pitying myself for.

Plus, why bring anyone else down about my poor judgement in taking a job at the wrong company? I'll call you sometime in the next few days to catch up.

Anonymous said...

Remember when they called for a reference check and they asked some really whacked out questions? It was a sign; I had an icky feeling about them way back then. A lesson learned? The next time I give you a reference, I'm going to be a little pushier about my gut. Its rarely wrong. Love to ya, dearie.


P.S. I'm going to call you Monday about a great project for you. Its great that your schedule is open again!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo - more time to devote to those adorable babies. Don't sweat it, you'll do fine. .

Anonymous said...

I hate to say I told you so, but I did. The women there are wackos. Good for you for getting out before they sucked the life out of you like they have done to so many others. Only good will come to you after enduring their BS.

-Another Mom who knows

Kelly Glennon said...

Congrats Bec! Although I don't know the details of what all happened, thats wonderful news! I know I'll want to be home more and less stressed when I have little ones. Good for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Alright, Bec! So good to hear you're open for business again. I need your expertise on a hospital I'm pitching later in April. Call me this week if you're up for helping me get a proposal together. It's for their entire 2008 budget - including the Foundation and Hospice - the works. If we get it, you can manage it and I'll just take the PR, just like the old days. Yahoo! I'm so glad you're in the game again!
