Monday, March 19, 2007

For the Sake of a Flake

Many brain cells have disappeared. I fear it's a permanent loss.

Just this past weekend, I was reminded about what a social flake I've become. I nearly blew off a relatively new friend, all for the sake of being absentminded. AP is a fellow writer, as well as a new mom. Her little princess is a little over a year old. We have terrific fun when we visit!

It all started a few weeks ago. We'd made plans to meet out for coffee one Saturday evening several weeks ago, and I didn't remember until the next afternoon. For the first time in my life, I stood someone up. The horror I felt as it dawned on me was unbelievable.

After a heartfelt apology and some well-deserved ribbing, we made new plans to meet up - this time for pie. I joked that if I'm not there by 10 after 8, she'd better give me a call. This time, I put it on my calendar. And in my cell phone. And I told my hubby. Only I'd planned for Saturday. On Friday evening, at 8:10, the phone rang. AP asked if I was still interested in pie, and as I could hear the restaurant noises in the background, it dawned on me. Ugh! I dropped everything and ran to meet her. Sure enough, I later went back to my emails, and clear as a bell, she wrote Friday.

Talk about shame! I might as well just go hide in a cave. My brain cells that disappeared during pregnancy have most certainly decided to stay away for good.


suziq32 said...

Hey, don't feel bad, you're not the only one who feels that way! I walk around most days with the feeling that I've forgotten to do something...and I usually have!

Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

If only it wasn't the same person who I've flaked out on! That's where I feel so bad. I think I've been able to somewhat fudge everywhere else.