Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Identical? For Sure.

Besides their survival of TTTS, I've only come across a few other instances when I've been certain of my daughters' identical status. Take this morning at 2:11. Both girls woke up crying at the same time. Both felt warm, and the thermometer read 100.6. Exactly the same temperature?

I wondered if it was the thermometer, so I tried a second one. I'm still not quite sure how we've accumulated 4 thermometers. Anyway, the second one said the same thing. So I took my temp (98.1) and then took my DH's (who was asleep and will never be the wiser) and his was 98.7. For the record, I put the thermometer under his armpit, just like I did for myself. No mischief at that time of night.

Our poor little pumpkins have their first chest colds and now fevers to boot. Their hoarse little cries are heartbreaking, and yet a moment later they smile and laugh (and then pout again). They take after their auntie with their adorable Lissy Lip. One thing that I did notice as I was pouring some Pedialyte for Lillian is that when she cries (more of whining than actual crying), you get a good look at her top gums. She's going to sprout those next two teeth any day now. No sign of them on Breanna yet.

I hope they recover quickly - for everyone's sake. DH is heading to his sister's house south of the Twin Cities tomorrow and will be there through Friday to do some remodeling work for her. So, not only do I get to fly solo, but possibly with little sickies. : ( Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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