Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dirt waits. Life goes on.

Is it a bad sign that you consider the day a success if you get to bed by 1:30? If that's the case, I've only had a few successful days in the last few weeks.

The house is coming along beautifully. I've spent a few days out there recently, helping with odds and ends, like puttying nail holes, scraping varnish off windows, vacuuming, washing interior windows, and wiping down cabinets. At lunchtime today, I ran a crock of cheesy barbecue sandwiches and chips and dessert out to the site. Less than two weeks to go until it's officially done!

On a happy note, that was the only trip I had to make to the jobsite, or anywhere else today. Normally, it feels like DH has me running all over town, picking up and dropping off stuff. In the meantime, I'm putting together the marketing materials for the house and for my hubby's company, working with the realtor, handling DH's office stuff and emails, as well as trying to put together the girls' second birthday party. And doing my freelance work (which is what usually what keeps me up into the middle of the night - it's easiest once the phone stops ringing and DH crashes into bed).

On top of all that, DH's great uncle, Harry, who was kind of a little involved with DH and me meeting, fell and broke his hip this week. He's at the hospital in town now, and I know he'd love to see the kiddos, so I'm going to have to squeeze in a little visit sometime soon. He'll be here for at least two weeks, so I'm sure we can find some time somewhere in here.

Beyond all that chaos, not much else is happening. I haven't even dusted this month or vacuumed yet this week. Oh well. Dirt waits. Life goes on.

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