Monday, April 09, 2007

The Good Life

We enjoyed a mellow Easter weekend, with my family here Thursday through Saturday and over to DH's folks' house for Sunday. About half of the people originally expected to join us at the in-laws didn't show up for various reasons, so it was actually pretty nice. Not too chaotic or noisy, and not too drink-y. As a bonus, no one tried pushing drinks on me. I enjoyed my wine at Easter dinner at my own pace. : )

My DH tried playing a joke on my family Friday night, but no one fell for it. He crayoned an egg in line for dyeing "Unborn Baby" and then our last name. Then he calmly went back to the couch to continue visiting with my dad and brother-in-law. No one noticed until my sis pulled the turquoise egg out, and she and my mom quickly discussed it - very quietly. And then I heard someone say "No way. She had a glass of wine." So, while no one actually fell for it, we all had a laugh.

As to be expected, we had a few more new moments over the weekend. Our girls both fell asleep during church. Holy cow! What a joy! And they both mastered "Soooo big."

It looks like it will be a nice week ahead. I have several business dealings in progress right now, and lots of exciting decisions to make. Plus, I have a few social dealings to look forward to, as well. (Our Mothers of Multiples meeting is tomorrow night, and I have a few other get-togethers now that my schedule has relaxed a little.)

The girls are in daycare M-W-F this week, so I'm going to get back to work while I still can. Happy Monday, friends!

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