Monday, May 21, 2007

Smurf Glasses and a Zap - What a Monday

We took Miss Breanna in to the dermatologist today for a laser treatment on her nose. She has a raised red mark that appeared back when she was in the NICU. Until recently, we figured it was a harmless hemangioma and would disappear within a year or two.

A dermatologist confirmed last month that it is not a hemangioma, but perhaps is a scar from the tube she had in her nose as an infant. So, he recommended a simple laser treatment to try to remove it.

This morning, we wrapped her in a blanket (to prevent the wiggles), donned big blue glasses (to protect our eyes), covered her eyes with gauze, and held her down for the longest 15 seconds of my life. She was quite scared, and thankfully, we were able to pick her up and reassure her we were all done very quickly. It's not a painful procedure, so that makes it a lot easier to handle.

For the next week or two, she'll be black and blue, and when the bruise goes away, so should the redness. If not, we'll go for just one more treatment. So if you see her in the immediate future, please don't assume we beat her. Although, I think she could convince you of that within just a few seconds - her laughter is amazing. What a happy kid!

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