Don't panic - I didn't give him the boot. But I am changing the way I reference my husband on my blog. He apparently started reading it not too long ago and realized that DW stands for Darling Wacko. He asked me to please, please, please stop saying that. He said it was like him referring to me as his Sexy Psycho. Taking that into consideration, I guess I'll just call him my DH, my Darling Husband. (Even though he is quite wacky at times.)
Not much is new on our homefront. We decided to wait to break ground on the new house until spring so that my DH can be home more with us over the winter. It's been great to have him home again, and we've really been enjoying each other's company. He goes up north next week for the whole week again, and then that's it. That house will be completely done and I get my hubby back full time. Yippee!
I've had several requests for more photos of the girls. Well, I have to admit, I'm a dummy. I was messing with our camera settings about a week ago to try to use the video recording function, and somehow, I messed everything up. I can't get photos off the thing and when I take a picture now, it's all manual, so things are blurry and the flash doesn't go. Needless to say, I need to take the time to check out the instructions or else just ask someone to fix it for me. That said, sorry, no pictures yet.
The babies are both really growing along nicely. They're both getting pretty pudgy, but really are long more than anything. It's hard to imagine DH and I would produce tall people, but it kind of seems that way based on how they're growing right now. I suppose it will change completely now that I've put it in writing.
We watched TV last night - the first time in months. The Extreme Home Makeover show that helped a family in Minot was on and we wanted to watch it. Lillian was trying to go to sleep through the first half of the show, and so I missed chunks of it, but got the gist of it anyway.
During the last half, DH and I cuddled up on the couch and it felt wonderful - like back in the days when we were dating. We haven't had much physical closeness during awake hours lately, as we often each have a baby in arms. I'm going to make a conscious effort to get in at least two nice, long hugs with him a day.
As I watched the struggles that family on TV lived with, I was reminded of just how good we have it. Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself for my face not being back to normal yet or for not getting much sleep due to babies, I'm going to remember that Minot family. We really are blessed with an abundance of good things and good circumstances.
While we watched TV, it felt good to cry again, to release such a mixture of emotions that I've apparently been hanging onto for a while. Sadness for the Blivens. Gratefulness for healthy babies. Fear for the status of the world our girls will grow up in. Love for my family. Pride for our community who jumped in to help that family. All at once, it was a powerful wave of emotion.
Now in the quiet hours of the early morning, it's still dark out and a perfect time to reflect a little bit. Friends, I ask you to count your blessings today. Life really is good.